Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Governing Body

We have decided to go with a Democracy a few revisions. Our leader must be politically educated and must know what it means to rock and roll. The government also needs to know how to help our utopia through every natural disaster known to man. There will not just be the one leader with all the power it will be many people in two different branches with 100 people in each house. The branches will be named the the Voting Branch and the Judicial Branch. The Voting Branch will vote on bills and other issues once being voted upon by the people like in a presidential democracy. Then the Judicial Branch will run the law. The main revisions will be in this banch. The first revision will be that if you are tried and proved guilty to murder you will automatically be put on death row and then killed. This is called the "you kill someone we kill you" policy. You must have at least a B average to be on jury and yes you must be peers of the person to be on the jury. You must also have an A average to be a federal investigator such as FBI and CIA. Also local oficials will be monitored for one work day twice a month to see how they act in public and to try to remove cops being payed off. Ther will also be one person who is the figurehead for Rock Fest USA such as in a parliamentary democracy but this person will have no power over government. Finally all people will elect government officials including the figurehead in an organized election done every year with a maximum term of 10 years for every government officials.

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